Java / Selenium


  1. Important Java Selenium Codes for Software Test Automation Learners, Part1 
  2. Important Java Selenium Codes for Software Test Automation Learners, Part2
  3. > Selenium/Java Interview Questions and Answers

  4. Technical Interview Questions helpful for Amazon/Google/Facebook
  5. > What do you need to know to be an Automation Tester ?


  1. How to start Java with Eclipse , print Hello World 
  2. Print Statements in Java/Selenium
  3. Reading properties files Part 1 of 2
  4. Reading properties files Part 2 of 2
  5. Write to property file
  6. Write to property file(xml)
  7. String Array:
  8. Array index, Arrays.asList(), indexOf(), elements, compare arrays 
  9. Java ANT
  10. Generate Random Numbers in Java/Selenium , Create an unique 10 digit phone number
  11. Copy the contents of a file to another file
  12. DataTypes in Java
  13. " if " statements in Java/Selenium, "==", "!(==)", ".equals", "!(.equals)", ".contains"
  14. > " if else" ," if elseif " ," if elseif else " statements in Java / Selenium
  15. " for " loop in Java / Selenium, "++", "+2", "--", "-2"
  16. > " while " loop in Java / Selenium
  17. "do while" loop in Java
  18. > indexOf(), lastIndexOf, find the position of a letter/char in a string
  19. " case " , " switch " statements in Java / Selenium
  20. Try / Catch, Single catch(), more than one catch(), Finally()
  21. throws Exception
  22. Read Excel file in Java/Selenium using Apache POI
  23. Write to an Excel file using Apache POI
  24. Get Excel data of respective types using ITERATION
  25. Inheritance in JAVA: Single level, Multilevel, Multiple, Hybrid, Hierarchical
  26. Constructor in Java (Overloading, Inheritance, Chaining )
  27. Interface in java: Extends Interface, Implements Interface, default method
  28. Variables in Java: Local, Instance/Global, Static
  29. super and super()
  30. Polymorphism
  31. Method Overloading , Constructor Overloading , Method Overriding
  32. Encapsulation in Java
  33. HashMap in Java
  34. > Annotations in Java
  35. Class as a DataType
  36. Type Casting in Java
  37. Wait in Java
  38. Read PDF , Validate text in the PDF
  39. Abstract Class in Java
  40. Abstract Class VS Interface
  41. Access Modifiers in Java
  42. Array List in Java
  43. Array VS ArrayList 
  44. > ArrayList VS LinkedList
  45. Split sentence or string word by word
  46. Exception/Error in Java
  47. Add days to a specific date in Java
  48. Add days to Today / Current date in Java
  49. Random Number for lotteries (Mega Millions , Power Ball and others Part 1 of 2)
  50. Random Number for lotteries (Mega Millions , Power Ball and others Part 2 of 2)
  51. Program Arguments and VM Arguments
  52. Take Screenshots  
  53. ArrayList , Iterator with examples of Array also   
  54. Create MS Word document using Apache POI    
  55. Paste images/screenshots in Word document     
  56. > forEach
  57. > Lamda Expression  
  58. > Read Text File
  59. > Convert Date format using case statement
  60. > 'this' keyword in java
  61. > Difference between an Interface and an Abstract Class 
  62. > Rotate given number/integers in Java 
  63. > Count words or count characters using Hashmap 
  64. > Armstrong Number in Java
  65. > Factorial Number in Java  
  66. > Pyramid in Java(Create Pyramid of numbers or Characters in Java) 
  67. Find ASCII value of a character in Java
  68. > Test Anagram in Java   
  69. > Separate number, characters and special characters And get the sum of the numbers.
  70. > Regular Expression in Java
  71. > Find Repeated Chars, Unique Chars in Java Using HashMap 


  1. Why Selenium ? Advantages and Disadvantages of Selenium...
  2. WebDriver Interface    
  3. XPath
  4. clicking radio button, isDisplayed(), isEnabled(), isSelected()
  5. drop-down in Java/Selenium, Select options: selectByIndex(), selectByValue(""), selectByVisibleText("")
  6. Locators ( Locating web elements )
  7. TestNG
  8. Cucumber Selenium BDD frameWork 
  9. Data Driven in BDD framework, Parametarization in cucumber     
  10. BDD framework Example
  11. BDD_Cucumber_report formats  
  12. Tags in feature file BDD Cucumber  
  13. Hooks (Global/Tagged) in BDD Cucumber     
  14. A complete program for Cucumber BDD 
  15. Rest Assured with GET(Cucumber BDD) :A complete program
  16. Rest Assured POST(Cucumber BDD) reading data from Excel :A complete program
  17. Rest Assured GET -TestNG
  18. Rest Assured POST -TestNG 


  1. Git and GitHub 
  2. Jenkins Create job, schedule job, send email notification 
  3. Integrate Jenkins with github and Automatically kick off Jenkins when new build is pushed to git hub   

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