AWS questions and answers, helpful for AWS practitioner certification and Interviews, part 2

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1.      What is elasticity in cloud computing ?

This is the strength of AWS to scale the computing resources up and down as required or as per demand. 


2.      What is auto scaling ?

Auto Scaling is an automatic process of connecting or removing(terminating) instances as per the load or demand .


3.      What is the tool in AWS for data warehousing ?

AWS Redshift


4.      What is the notification service in AWS cloud for alerts, alarm or notificaiton?

AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service).


5.      What is EBS ?

EBS stands for Elastic Block Storage. It is a storage associated with EC2 instance.


6.      What is EFS ?

It is Amazon Elastic File System. It is elastic, it becomes bigger or smaller according to whether you add or remove files in it. It is serverless and automatic file system, it does not require management or provisioning. This can be shared with multiple EC2 instances.


7.      What is ELB ?

It is Elastic Load Balancer. It automatically distributes the incoming traffic to multiple instances or servers or containers. It also monitors the health status of the instances and if it finds any instance or the target unhealthy, then it reroutes the load to other healthy instances or targets.


8.      Which IAM utility you should use if you need temporary access or authorization to any AWS service?

IAM Role


9.      You have to migrate your database to AWS, which service will you use ?

AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS)


10.   Which AWS service lets you create a private virtual cloud in the AWS ?

VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)


11.   To provide low-latency delivery, which AWS component does a cloud front use?

EDGE locations


12.   What is availability ?

Availability is the ability to remain available, to remain always functional or accessible, with no or negligible downtime.


13.   What is reliability ?

Ability of the cloud service to manage the resources required to meet the load or demand, to perform its intended function as well as its ability to recover if any disruption happens.


14.    What is elastic load balancer or elastic load balancing ?

ELB distributes the incoming traffic or load to multiple targets or instances.


15.   Who is responsible for managing IAM(AWS identity and access management )

The Customer


16.   What are AWS IAM identities ?





17.   What is AWS regions?

They are the major data centers placed at different locations in the world. Each region has multiple availability zones. Each availability zones has one or more discrete data centers.


18.   What are the different ways to create and manage AWS resources ?

AWS management console

AWS CLI(Command Line Interface)

AWS SDK(Software Development Kits)


19.   Which AWS service will help you monitor the EC2 instance CPU usage ?

AWS cloudwatch


20.   What is the principle of least privilege ?

Granting the required amount of permission to perform the required task.


21.   What is Aamzon Glacier ?

Amazon S3 Glacier is a data archive and data back up service. This is used to store data for long term like months, years or even more than that.


22.   What is AWS Cloudwatch ?

This service monitors the performance and utilization the aws services, applications and resources. It provides logs, metrics. You can set alarm or notification for utilization of the resources or when the cost goes high. So, it can monitor cost also.


23.   What is DNS ?

DNS stands for Domain Naming System. It is a  service to convert a domain name to IP address. Such as to  


24.   What is Route 53 ?

Route 53 is a DNS service in AWS.


25.   What is AWS cost explorer ?

This tool helps you view and analyze your cost for using aws services. You can view the cost for the past certain duration( such as cost for the last 6 months) or you can forecast your future cost(such as for 6 months in future) .


26.   What is AWS budget ?

This is another tool to monitor and control your AWS cost. With budget, you can create a plan for your spending over the period and you can set an alarm if the cost reaches that limit or exceeds that limit.


27.   What is spot instance ?
Spot instances uses spare or unused EC2 capacity in AWS cloud. You can get a big discuount in spot instance, upto 90%, because you can use this instance when it is available. You can run those applications which can be interrupted or if you have the flexibility to run the application at any available time.


28.   What are AWS Regional Services?

The scope of the service is within the region only.

VPC, ELB,ECS, DynamoDB, EC2, EFS, CloudTrail, CloudWatch, LAMDA, ELB


29.   What are AWS Global Services ?

The scope of the service is global.

IAM, Route53, CloudFront, S3.


  1. What are horizontal and vertical scaling in AWS?

Horizontal scaling(also called Scaling OUT) means adding more EC2 instances, the instances share the work load.

Vertical scaling(also called Scaling UP) means you increase the compute power by adding CPU, RAM to the existing machines to manage the work load.

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