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1. What is Cypress?
It is a web based test ( front end ) automation tool. It is a java script based open source test automation tool.
2. How you install cypress ?
To install Cypress, you need to install Node.js first. Then you install cypress using below command:
npm install cypress.
3. What are the programming languages supported by cypress ?
Java Script and Type Script
4. What are the browsers supported by Cypress ?
- Chrome
- Firefox
- Edge
- Chromium
- Electron
5. Does cypress support selenium ?
No, unlike selenium, cyress runs code inside browser.
6. What are the hooks in cypress ?
The hooks in Cypress are:
before(), beforeEach(), after(), afterEach().
7. What locators are supported by Cypress ?
Cypress supports: CSS Selector and also xpath after adding the plugin cypress-xpath.
8. How can you create a test suite in Cypress ?
In Cypress, you create a describe() block, inside the describe block you create tests using it() blocks. The describe() blocks are the test suites and the it() blocks are the test cases.
For example:
describe('Test Suite name or description', () => {
it('testcase1 name or description', () => {
it('testcase2 name or description', () => {
9. How can you verify the title of a page in Cypress ?
You can use below code to verify the page title:
cy.title().should(‘eq’, ‘Enter Page Title here’)
10. How can you check if the locator/object is visible or not ?
You can verify using below code :
cy.get(‘CSS Selector’).should(‘be.visible’)
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