
Find Nth largest salary from a table, for example in below example 3rd largest salary has been queried from SQL database...

Let's take a table TEST as below:

Name Dept Salary
Ram Marketing 1700
Hari Technical 1000
Gopal Electrical 1100
Kris Driver 900
Muni ComputerTech 2500
Sam Dept Head 3000
Sita Sales 1250
Geeta HR 1900


Select * from Test order by Salary desc ;

Name Dept Salary
Sam Dept Head 3000
Muni ComputerTech 2500
Geeta HR 1900
Ram Marketing 1700
Sita Sales 1250
Gopal Electrical 1100
Hari Technical 1000
Kris Driver 900

1st way to get the 3rd largest salary:

Select Name, Dept, max(salary) from Test where Salary < (Select max(Salary) from Test where Salary < (Select max(Salary) from Test)); NOTE: This does not give correct result when there is duplicate values

Name Dept max(salary)
Geeta HR 1900

Get 3rd LOWEST salary:

Select Name, Dept, min(salary) from Test where Salary > (Select min(Salary) from Test where Salary > (Select min(Salary) from Test)); NOTE: This does not give correct result when there is duplicate values

Name Dept min(salary)
Gopal Electrical 1100


2nd way to get the 3rd largest salary:

Select name, dept, min(salary) as ThirdMINSal from (Select * from (Select * from Test order by Salary desc) where rownum<4) ;  NOTE: This is an old way in ORACLE and This does not give correct result when there is duplicate values

Select name, dept, min(salary) as ThirdMINSal from (Select * from (Select * from Test order by Salary desc) FETCH FIRST 3 ROWS ONLY); NOTE: This is new way in Oracle and This does not give correct result when there is duplicate values


3rd way to get the 3rd largest salary:

Using DENSE_RANK() ---SQL query in progress



Select name, dept, min(salary) as ThirdMINSal from (Select * from (Select * from Test order by Salary desc) limit 3); NOTE: This does not give correct result when there is duplicate values

Name Dept ThirdMINSal
Geeta HR 1900

EXAMPLE 2(with duplicate value):

Select * from TableUnitTest order by salary desc;

Name Dept Salary
Hari Mechanical 1200
Sam Admin 1100
Ram Technical 1000
Govind HR 1000
Murali Driver 900
Raju Helper 800

Select * from TableUnitTest 

where salary = (Select min(Salary) from  

(Select salary from (

Select Distinct salary from TableUnitTest order by salary desc

) limit 3));

Name Dept Salary
Ram Technical 1000
Govind HR 1000


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