
Find a Character that is repeated a maximum number of times in a word.

package abc;

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class CharRepeatCount {

       public static void main(String[] args) {

             // Find the character repeated maximum number of times.

             // if you are given word = aaabbbddddmmmmmsszzz then return 5m

             String word = "aaabbbddddmmmmmsszzz";

             int wordLength = word.length();

             int maxCounter = 0;

             System.out.println("wordLength = " +wordLength);

             int counter = 1;

             int z = 0;

             int j = 1;

             //To find the count of each char in digit only

             ArrayList<Integer> numArray = new ArrayList<>();

             ArrayList<String> charArray = new ArrayList<>();

             for(int i=1;i<wordLength;i++) {




                    if((Character.toString(word.charAt(i-1)).equals(Character.toString(word.charAt(i))))) {                     

                           counter++ ;

                    } else {

                           counter =1;




             numArray.add(counter);//Because the last digit will not be counted

             charArray.add(Character.toString(word.charAt(wordLength-1))); //Because the last char will not be counted




             //Find the max integer          

             int[] num = new int[wordLength];

             String[] strg = new String[wordLength];

             for(int i=0;i<wordLength; i++) {

                    num[i]= numArray.get(i);

                    strg[i]= charArray.get(i);



             int maxNumber = num[wordLength-1] ;

             System.out.println("The maximum number = "+Integer.toString(num[wordLength-1]));


             //Find the char associated with the max integer

             int index = numArray.indexOf(maxNumber);

             System.out.println("The index = "+index);

             System.out.println("The maximum repeated Char = "+strg[index]);



             String[] expectedChar = {"a"};

             expectedChar[0]= Integer.toString(num[wordLength-1]).concat(strg[index]);

             System.out.println("The maximum repeated Char with Num = "+expectedChar[0]);



             String[] expectedCharr = new String[1];

             expectedChar[0]= Integer.toString(num[wordLength-1]).concat(strg[index]);

             System.out.println("The maximum repeated Char with Num = "+expectedChar[0]);







wordLength = 20

[1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3]

[a, a, a, b, b, b, d, d, d, d, m, m, m, m, m, s, s, z, z, z]

The maximum number = 5

The index = 14

The maximum repeated Char = m

The maximum repeated Char with Num = 5m

The maximum repeated Char with Num = 5m


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