BDD framework example with Parameterization and Data Driven in Cucumber

BDD framework Script Example:
Below example opens logs into and close the session.
Needs to create:
1.       Feature file
2.       Test Runner Package and Class
3.       Test Definition Package and Class

1.       Feature file
Create a folder and add Feature file in the folder. Feature file should have extension “.feature”
Feature file , this file should have extenshion “.feature”
Feature: Sprint7

Scenario: TestLogin
Given Open chrome browser and maximize
And Open
And Enter userid and password and click login
Then Validate screen
And Close the session

2.  Test Runner Class:
Create a package inside src and add a Test runner class:
package testrunner;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber;

//@Cucumber.Options(features="Path of feature file folder", glue={"path of Test Definition package"})
public class TestRunner {


3.  Test Definition class:
Create a package inside src and add Test definition class:
package testDefinition;

import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;


public class FacebookTestDef {
      WebDriver driver;
      @Given("^Open chrome browser and maximize$")
      public void Open_chrome_browser_and_maximize() throws Throwable {
            System.setProperty("","path of chromeDriver");
            driver = new ChromeDriver();

      public void Open_facebook_com() throws Exception {

      @And("^Enter userid and password and click login$")
      public void Enter_userid_and_password_and_click_login() throws Exception {

      @Then("^Validate screen$")
      public void Validate_screen() throws Throwable {
      //Write Code to take screenshot.
      @And("^Close the session$")
      public void Close_Session() {


Comments About Running:
Without glue:
The respective method format for Test Definition/Step definition comes after you give path for featurefile folder(do not give glue) and run the test runner class as Junit test. You can copy the console output and use in Test/Step definition class. It makes the job easy and quick. It automatically gives you suggestion in console like below:

You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:

@Given("^Open chrome browser and maximize$")
public void Open_chrome_browser_and_maximize() throws Throwable {
    // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
    throw new PendingException();

public void Open_facebook_com() throws Throwable {
    // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
    throw new PendingException();

@And("^Enter userid and password and click login$")
public void Enter_userid_and_password_and_click_login() throws Throwable {
    // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("^Validate screen$")
public void Validate_screen() throws Throwable {
    // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
    throw new PendingException();

@And("^Close the session$")
public void Close_the_session() throws Throwable {
    // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
    throw new PendingException();

With glue:
After adding Test/Step definition and glue, run the test runner class as Junit Test.

If you have more than one test cases then you can add in feature file and run.
Feature file:
Feature: Sprint7

Scenario: TestCase1
Given Open chrome browser and maximize
And Open
And Enter userid and password and click login
Then Validate screen
And Close the session

Scenario: TestCase2
Given Open chrome browser and maximize
And Open
And Enter userid and password and click login
Then Validate screen
And Close the session

Parameterization in BDD framework without example:
In this , we will pass the parameters value from feature file. Let’s parameterize userid and password.
Feature: Sprint7

Scenario: TestCase1
Given Open chrome browser and maximize
And Open
And Enter “userid” and “password” and click login
Then Validate screen
And Close the session

Run the code as it is.
If you see in the console, you see the suggestion like below:
@And("^Enter \"([^\"]*)\" and \"([^\"]*)\" and click login$")
public void Enter_and_and_click_login(String arg1, String arg2) throws Throwable {
    // Express the Regexp above with the code you wish you had
    throw new PendingException();

Use above console output to update code in your Test/Step definition:
      @And("^Enter \"([^\"]*)\" and \"([^\"]*)\" and click login$")
      public void Enter_and_and_click_login(String userID, String password) throws Throwable {

And update feature file with actual userID and password like below and run:
Feature: Sprint7

Scenario: TestCase1
Given Open chrome browser and maximize
And Open
And Enter “JohnSmith” and “Great123” and click login
Then Validate screen
And Close the session

Parameterization in Cucumber with Example, in other word, applying Data Driven approach in Cucumber.
For this you just need to update in feature file. Below script with run three times , each time picking a set of uid and pwd from the Examples section.

Feature: Sprint7

  Scenario Outline: TestLogin   #Outline should be added here to use example
    Given Open chrome browser and maximize
    And Open
    And Enter "<uid_ColumnName>" and "<pwd_ColumnName>" and click login
    Then Validate screen
    And Close the session

      | uid_ColumnName | pwd_ColumnName |
      | realuid1       | realpwd1       |
      | realuid2       | realpwd2       |
      | realuid3       | realpwd3       |

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