Exception / Error in Java:
The test fails or stops the execution because of two reasons:
Exception and
This could be environmental , browser , server , hardware , access/permission , technical issues , networking problems, speed, Access problems etc. Tester has no control over these things, they can only report the issues.
These are error in the code. These might be :
checked(compile time) or unchecked(run time)
Checked or Compile Time Exception:
This exceptions occur while writing the code or before execution. If any error is found, Java shows the error right away.
Such as : spelling mistake , duplicate variable , closing bracket missing, closing curly bracket missing , local variable not being initialized , missing of coma (,) , missing of statement ending semicolon, wrong format of coding , method not found when called etc.
Similarly below exceptions are also checked exception as you need to add "throws or try/catch" while writing the code if there is possibility of below exceptions,
IO Exception,
SQL Exception
File Not Found exception
Unchecked or RunTime Exception:
These exception occurs while the code is running.
Such as :
WebElement not found,
Arithmetic Exception,
Array Index Out of Bound Exception
NoSuchElementException (Exception
in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException:
no such element: Unable to locate element:
java.lang.IllegalStateException : when you give wrong path for chrome driver OR when you pass nothing in sendKeys, such as sendKeys();
Note : Exception is the major class of other exceptions. So, in "throws or try/catch" , you can use individual exception which could be one or many OR use Exception only which takes care of all other exceptions. See the section try/catch for detail.
User-Defined Exception:
Sometimes available Java built-in exceptions are not enough to describe
the kind of exception we get/expect in our code. In such situations, we can
create/define new exception called user-defined exception.
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