find command in UNIX ---
searches a file or folder
find -name fileName.txt
--- will
search the file in the current directory/folder and its sub folders.
find . -name
find ./ -name
./ fileName.txt
find ./folder1 -name
fileName.txt --- will search the
file in folder1 and its sub folders.
./folder1/ fileName.txt
find ./ -name '*.txt' --- displays all the ".txt " files in the
present folder and its sub folders.
find -name '*.txt'
Output will be something like this :
. ..
find -empty --- search empty files and empty directories,
including hidden ones, from present folder and sub folders.
Output will be something like this :
. ..
find -perm 777 --- search file with
the permission 777 in present folder and sub folders.
Output :
Output will be something like this :
.. ..
ignore case sensitivity :
find -name file1
Output ------ ./file1
find -name File1
Output ------ ./File1
find -iname File1
Output ------
find -type d ---- finds directories
only in present folder and sub folders, includes hidden also.
find -type d -name 'dir*' --- finds directories
in present folder and sub folders , name starting with "dir" ,
includes non hidden directories inside hidden directories also but not hidden folder alone.
find -type d
-name '. *' --- finds hidden directories only in present folder and
sub folders.
To create hidden
directory : mkdir .folderName
To switch to
hidden directory : cd .folderName
To switch back
from the hidden folder : cd ..
find -type f --- find only files in present folder and sub folders.
find . -type f -name "FileName1" -exec rm -f {} \; --- deletes the file
FileName1 from present directory and its sub directories.
find -user Ram --- finds files and folders belonging to the user Ram in
present folder and sub folders, use
" -type f" if you want only files.
find -group AAA --- finds files and folders belonging to the group AAA in
present folder and sub folders, use
" -type f" if you want only files.
file modified/accessed
n days before :
find . -type
f -mtime 5 --- displays files modified
5 days before.
find . -type
f -atime 5 --- displays files accessed
5 days before.
AND operation:
find . -type f -mtime 5 -atime
OR operation:
find . -type f -mtime 5 -o -mtime 10
find -name '*.txt'
-o -name '*.out'
--- find files with extensions ".txt"
or ".out" from current directory or sub directories
find -newer fileName1
--- find
files newer than fileName1
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