>> Constructor in Java ( Constructor overloading , Constructor Inheritance and Constructor Chaining )

Constructor in Java

It is a block inside a class. Similar to method, a constructor has codes but the difference is constructor never returns values , so does not have return type. The constructor name must always be similar to the  class name. You can supply input parameters in the constructor , this way you can use multiple constructors inside a class,  this is called constructor overloading which is discussed in the overloading method/constructor section.
Creating an object for a class , does not execute the codes inside it. But when object for a constructer is created, the code inside the constructor is executed.
To run a method , you need to create object for the class and supply the object/memory reference to the method. As explained in example below:

To run a method  inside a class:

Let's create a class and a method:

public class ConstructorTest  {

       public void constExample() {
              System.out.println("This is a method inside a class.");

Let's run the method:
public static void main(String[] Args) {
              ConstructorTest classObj = new ConstructorTest();

This is a method inside a class.

To run  a Constructor:

Let's create a constructor:

public class ConstructorTest  {

       public ConstructorTest() {

              System.out.println("This is a statement inside a constructor.");

Let's run the constructor:

       public static void main(String[] Args) {
                     ConstructorTest constObj = new ConstructorTest();

This is a statement inside a constructor.

Constructor overloading
You can use multiple constructors inside a class( This is possible by supplying different input  parameters to the constructor , called constructor overloading):

public class ConstructorTest  {

       public ConstructorTest() {

              System.out.println("This is a constructor without parameter.");
       public ConstructorTest(int x) {

              System.out.println("This is a constructor with one parameter = "+x);
       public ConstructorTest(int x, int y) {

              System.out.println("This is a constructor with two parameters = "+x+" and "+y);
       public ConstructorTest(int x, String name) {

              System.out.println("This is a constructor with different parameters = "+x+" and "+name);

Let's run the constructors:
       public static void main(String[] Args) {
                     ConstructorTest constObj = new ConstructorTest();
                     ConstructorTest constObj1 = new ConstructorTest(5);
                     ConstructorTest constObj2 = new ConstructorTest(5,6);
                     ConstructorTest constObj3 = new ConstructorTest(5,"David");

This is a constructor without parameter.
This is a constructor with one parameter = 5
This is a constructor with two parameters = 5 and 6
This is a constructor with different parameters = 5 and David

Constructor Chaining

There is a problem in calling many constructors creating their objects. Creating object everytime we call a constructor will consume too much memory. So, to avoid this situation, we can use "this" keyword to call constructor/s present in the same class. This is called constructor chaining. Constructor chaining can be done in any order or to any constructor or constructors within the same class. To use constructor chaining, there should be at least one constructor without "this" keyword.

public class ConstructorTest  {

       public ConstructorTest() {

              System.out.println("This is a constructor without parameter.");
       public ConstructorTest(int x) {
              System.out.println("This is a constructor with one parameter = "+x);
       public ConstructorTest(int x, int y) {
              System.out.println("This is a constructor with two parameters = "+x+" and "+y);
       public ConstructorTest(int x, String name) {
              System.out.println("This is a constructor with different parameters = "+x+" and "+name);

Let's run the constructors:
       public static void main(String[] Args) {
                     ConstructorTest constObj = new ConstructorTest(4,"Tina");

This is a constructor without parameter.
This is a constructor with one parameter = 1
This is a constructor with two parameters = 2 and 3
This is a constructor with different parameters = 4 and Tina

Inheritance in Constructor

You can apply inheritance(click here to know more about inheritance) in constructor to call parent class constructor from child class constructor.

Parent class:

public class ConstructorTest  {

       public ConstructorTest() {

              System.out.println("This is a parent class constructor.");

Child Class:
public class ConstructorTest2 extends ConstructorTest {

       public ConstructorTest2()   {
              System.out.println("This is a child class constructor.");

Let's run the child constructor:
       public static void main(String[] Args) {

                     ConstructorTest2 constObj = new ConstructorTest2();

This is a parent class constructor.
This is a child class constructor.

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