Read Excel file using Apache POI
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
File file = new File("Path of the ExcelFile\\ReadExcelFile.xls"); //import
"" at this point
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); //import "" at this point
//for below codes, you will need jars from Apache POI.
//download latest release of Apache POI which will be available
in zip file , from
//unzip the folder
//add the jar files inside poi folder and lib
folder(lib folder is inside poi folder) and other jar files if
present in other folder.
//If the excel file is .xls, use below statement.
Workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fis); // import
"org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook" at this point.
//If the excel file is .xlsx, use below statement.
//Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fis); //import "", "org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook" at this point
//If the excel file is .xlsx, use below statement.
//Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(fis); //import "", "org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook" at this point
//Mention the excel sheet name which you want to read
Sheet excelSheet = workbook.getSheet("Sheet1"); //here sheet name is given as "Sheet1", import
"" at this point.
//Find last row , number of rows/column , last cell as below:
//Find the number of rows in the sheet, ie, last row.
int lastRow = excelSheet.getLastRowNum();
System.out.println("Last row is = "+lastRow);
System.out.println("First row is = "+excelSheet.getFirstRowNum());
int numOfRows = lastRow+1; //because
the rows start from 0
System.out.println("Number of rows is = "+numOfRows);
Row row = excelSheet.getRow(lastRow); // import
"" at this point.
//Find the last cell in the sheet.
int lastCell = row.getLastCellNum();
System.out.println("Last cell is = "+lastCell);
System.out.println("Number of columns is = "+lastCell);
//Get particular cell value
System.out.println("cell 3,4 is = "+excelSheet.getRow(3).getCell(4).getStringCellValue());
//To read all the data from the Sheet.
for (int i = 0; i <= lastRow; i++) {
for (int j
= 0; j
< lastCell; j++)
System.out.print(excelSheet.getRow(i).getCell(j).getStringCellValue()+" , ");
When you run above code, you will get
below output:
Last row
is = 6
row is = 0
of rows is = 7
cell is = 5
of columns is = 5
cell 3,4
is = y34
y00 , y01 , y02 , y03 , y04
, y10 , y11 , y12 , y13 , y14 , y20 , y21 , y22 , y23 , y24 , y30 , y31 , y32 ,
y33 , y34 , y40 , y41 , y42 , y43 , y44 , y50 , y51 , y52 , y53 , y54 , y60 ,
y61 , y62 , y63 , y64 ,
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