>> Click radio button

Select radio button:
Let’s create code which will check, on the web page, if the radio button is present or not and after making sure that the radio button is present and is not selected, we will click/select the radio button.

This code will check :
if the radio button is displayed/present or not ,
if the radio button is enabled or not
if the radio button is selected or not

To check displayed or not, we use the predefined method isDisplayed()
To check enabled or not, we use the predefined method isEnabled()
To check selected or not, we use the predefined method isSelected()
And to click the radio button , we use click()

Let’s open facebook sign up page on chrome browser and click the radio button for the Female.
Click the radio button for the Female.

Below is the main method:

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
System. setProperty("", "path_of_chrome_driver\\chromedriver.exe");

WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver();
//maximize the chrome browser

//enter the URL
//locate the radio button for the Female with its xpath.
WebElement radioButtonFemale = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@type='radio' and @value='1']"));
//checking if the radio button is displayed, Boolean will return true or false.                    
boolean rb_displayed = radioButtonFemale.isDisplayed();
System.out.println("Did radio button displayed ? "+rb_displayed);

//checking if the radio button is enabled.
boolean rb_enabled = radioButtonFemale.isEnabled();
System.out.println("Radio Button enabled ? "+rb_enabled);
//checking if the radio button is selected or not.
boolean rb_selected = radioButtonFemale.isSelected();
System.out.println("Radio Button already selected ? "+rb_selected);

// Let’s make a condition, if the radio button already selected, then do noting.

if (rb_selected){
          System.out.println("Radio Button already selected = "+ rb_selected);
//If the radio button is not already selected, then select it.
if (!rb_selected){
; // clicks the radio button
          //Now to check if the radio button selected or not
          rb_selected = radioButtonFemale.isSelected();
          System.out.println("Radio button clicked/selected ? "+rb_selected);


Did radio button displayed ? true
Radio Button enabled ? true
Radio Button already selected ? false
Radio button clicked/selected ? true

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